About Us

Solar Income & Growth was established in 2014 to develop and acquire a portfolio of UK solar rooftop installations.

The portfolio consists of more than 2,700 installations spread widely across the UK with a total capacity of over 13.5MW:

Asset Type Capacity (kWp) Number of Installations
Commercial 5,248 75
Domestic 8,344 2,634

Solar Income & Growth is based in central London and has an experienced board of renewable technology professionals who oversee the governance strategy of the Company.

The assets are managed by Armstrong Capital Management, a renewable power developer and asset manager with experience of managing over 350MWp of UK solar since 2013.

Solar advantages

Solar assets are a proven technology with a demonstrable track record of stable, predictable returns. They have long-term, predictable, contracted cashflows and a low, fixed-cost base.

Our assets all benefit from guaranteed Feed in Tariff (FIT) and export subsidies that provide long-term, stable, and predictable RPI-linked revenue. As the FIT scheme is now closed to new entrants, our portfolio benefits from subsidised cashflows no longer available to newer installations

Our Portfolio

The broad geographical spread of our assets provides additional diversification benefits to investors.

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Solar Income & Growth Limited has an established track record in providing stable, subsidy backed returns to investors.

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